Blakeney Services
You’ll find a warm and friendly welcome at all our services.
Sung Holy Communion
Our main service using contemporary language or Celtic liturgy. Music is a mixture of traditional and modern accompanied by organ or piano and with singers or choir.
1st, 3rd, 4th Sundays: 9.30am
5th Sunday 11am
Also live-streamed on YouTube
Do stay for tea/coffee after the service.

Praise and Worship
A more informal service using words and images projected on the screen.
Music provided by piano, instrumentalists and a singing group.
This service has been replaced by Common Worship Morning Prayer with hymns until further notice.
2nd Sunday: 9.30am
Also live-streamed on YouTube
Do stay for tea/coffee after the service.

Messy Church
A popular way of ‘doing church differently’ for children. Fun, food, crafts, singing, stories and prayers.
2nd Tuesday: 3.15pm
See all our up-to-date, current services for the month in Forthcoming Services and What’s On